
Hailing from African origins, the Siddis have carved out a distinct identity while embracing the Indian way of life. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Karnataka, their settlements are adorned with the beauty of lush greenery, serene rivers, and majestic mountains.

Population in the Project Area: 2,50,000

The People

The Siddi people, of African origin, have established their roots in Karnataka and other states in India. This diverse community adds a unique cultural dimension to the region, blending their Afro-Indian heritage with local customs and traditions. The Siddi community showcases a rich cultural heritage, expressed through their traditional music, dance, and festivals that celebrate their African roots. The Siddi community is known for its diverse range of professions. Historically, they have been involved in occupations such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishing. Many Siddis are skilled in traditional crafts like woodworking, basket weaving, and pottery. In recent times, some Siddis have also ventured into various modern professions such as education, healthcare, government services, and the arts. This dynamic mix of traditional and contemporary occupations reflects the adaptability and resilience of the Siddi people in embracing new opportunities while preserving their cultural heritage.

The Project

Mother-Tongue literacy.
The Siddi people primarily speak Siddi language. This language is also known as Siddi Kappaya, is a fusion of Bantu dialects and Indian languages, serving as a testament to their fascinating linguistic heritage. Through collaborative efforts with mother tongue speakers and the invaluable support of linguists, our organization has developed comprehensive literacy materials tailored specifically for training purposes. Our focus on orthography development not only facilitates effective language learning but also serves as a means of preserving the rich cultural heritage of the community. These meticulously designed materials encompass a range of resources, including pre-readers, structured alphabet introductions, engaging storybooks, rudimentary math textbooks, teacher’s guides, spelling guides, and alphabet charts. The success of our literacy workshops is evident in the growing number of enthusiastic participants, reflecting the increasing interest and dedication to learning within the community. Moving forward, we remain committed to expanding our programs, training more native speakers, and empowering them to preserve and celebrate their language traditions for generations to come.


As of May 2023
The impact of literacy workshops on the Siddi people has been nothing short of inspiring! Witnessing the transformative power of education in their lives and witnessing their growing self-confidence is truly heartwarming. What sets this literacy program apart is its focus on teaching in their own mother tongue, a monumental stride forward in their journey towards progress. The program offers a rich array of engaging learning materials, including pre-readers, alphabet books, captivating storybooks, basic math resources, comprehensive teacher’s guides, helpful spelling guides, and colorful alphabet charts. These meticulously crafted materials have been put to the test and are now being enthusiastically embraced in the workshops, which have experienced a remarkable surge in participation and unwavering interest. The literacy program is opening doors to education for individuals who have long been deprived of such opportunities, enhancing their cognitive abilities, nurturing their social skills, and unlocking new economic possibilities. The dedicated literacy committee is undergoing training to recruit and empower mother tongue teachers while closely monitoring the program’s progress. People of all ages are drawn to the magic of the literacy program, and its profound impact is bound to improve countless lives. Esteemed experts have applauded the program for its tremendous potential to bring about transformative change, instilling a deep sense of value and pride by championing the beauty of learning in one’s mother tongue.