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Population: 2,50,000

Hailing from African origins, the Siddis have carved out a distinct identity while embracing the Indian way of life. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Karnataka, their settlements are adorned with the beauty of lush

Population: 44800

Kolami always lives on the `Podes’ which are small hutments which are two to three km away from the main village. They seldom mix with the other communities.

Population: 7,21,944

The term “Relli” means a kind of grass in the Telugu language. Their lifestyle is very close to nature. They collect natural products especially different types of grass and sell them for livelihood.

Population: 1300

During the Chaithi festival, the Pengo people refrain from work and spend the days in feasting, dancing, and singing through the night and expeditions into the forest together. Strangers are forbidden in the villages during

Population: 30,13,874

Mehra people consider themselves superior and claim that they are the descendants of Js (Land Lords), but others do not give much importance to their claim.

Population: 801,000

Hunting, in India, is prohibited by law and the offense is non-bailable. Yet, the Jurai people living in the Koraput district of Odisha have an exemption. On account of a festival called “Chaithi Parab”, people

Population: 39,1378

One unique and interesting fact about the Bhilali people is their use of a traditional musical instrument called the “maandal.” The maandal is a stringed instrument with a bowl-shaped body made from a hollowed-out gourd

Population: 26,1034

The Bhumia people have a rich cultural heritage, which is reflected in their traditional music, dance, and other art forms. The Bhumia dance, also known as Bhumia Nach, is a popular folk dance that is

Population: 1’900’000

Believed to be the descendants of King Ahir, the last Hindu ruler of the region.


Believed to have migrated south, crossing the Narmada River of Central India centuries ago.


Known for their homes  built using astrological predictions and the dramatization of Hindu epics.


The Kuvi people celebrate several festivals to signify different seasons with rituals, singing, dancing and feasting.

Population: 3750

The Lodhi people are said to be the first of the military caste with a tradition of brave warriors.


Farmers by profession, the Nahali people rear domestic animals like goats and cows.

Population: 144,000

It has been said that Paliya was the first language spoken in Gujarat.